1. Eco living
I'm soooo interested in everything Eco friendly now, I haven't put it into actions though.. ;( hopefully pretty soon! As a jump start, I'm joining green mommy network this week..
Im going to take an e-course from them on how to make environmental friendly cosmetics and food products.
2. Going vegetarian and then vegan
I tried once, and it is extremely hard , but the idea of being vegetarian and then vegan always stuck on my mind. Though I always think... One day I'll do it ;(
3. Minimalist life style
Minimalist is a lifestyle where you choose to life with less stuff. I find this idea very interesting .. Less stuff and more space , more life, less clutter. Simple, clean, empty. Zen.
4. Future plans.
- owning an Eco friendly spa and store.
- be a vegan
- be a minimalist
Whoaaa i feel like im not blogging for yearsss!
I move back to my home in Kediri, but, i leave my office furniture in KS Tubun and haven't move the internet broadband to Kediri. Thats why im not blogging for days...
Today i just wanna share what makes me happy and grateful this week .. Here goes the list :
I am so blessed that during this hectic days when i cant go online and work , my new online business running pretty smooth and the revenue is on target.. God is really generous to me :')
So i made a promise to myself, to donate at least 10% of my company profit, and during 2 weeks, i can donate IDR 1million *YAY* im planning to give this month charity to an SLB (Sekolah Luar Biasa) in Tabanan
Family "mini vacation" to Karang Asem. It was fun and everyone is happy. We tried this restaurant named Lotus, its pretty good and the price is quite affordable.
Able to give training to my downlines in Oriflame, i always love sharing my experiences with them..
Watching Habibie and Ainun with husband, sister, mother in law, and nephew in Beach Walk.. Great movie!
Buy this batik Pajamas for Gus Andra. Its so cheap, only IDR 25k, and only after 30 minutes wearing it, the pants ripped and my son is saying the cutest thing " Ibu.. Ibu .. Wowok Guh keluar " HAHAHAHA MEGA LOL :)))
Tu Gus...
Saat ini, Tu Gus sedang aktif-aktifnya mengeksplorasi sekitar...
Rasa ingin tahu Tu Gus sangat besar,
dan Tu Gus bagaikan kertas putih polos
yang belum tahu mana yang boleh, mana yang tidak boleh...
Mana tindakan yang di"cap" nakal oleh orang dewasa, mana yang di cap "tidak nakal"
Jadi maaf ya Tu Gus kalau Ibu dan Aji kadang-kadang suka marah dan emosi..
Teriak sampai Tu Gus nangis...
Karena kadang Tu Gus sangat kreatif hihihi
Kemarin, mobil sedan Aji dipakai lahan menggambar dan berkreasi sama Tu Gusm jadi mobilnya lecet-lecet dan perlu masuk bengkel buat dimulusin lagi (.____.)
Hari ini, rice cooker Ibu rusak karena Tu Gus kreatif cemplung cemplungin foot scrub dan minyak pijat ibu .. Mungkin Tu Gus lagi belajar meniru ibu masak ya >.<
Maaf ya Nak kalau Ibu dan Aji spontan marah-marah ...
Ibu dan Aji akan belajar lebih sabar lagi dan memahami , dan tentunya mengawasi dengan lebih baik lagi
Jangan sampai karena cara mendidik kami yang kurang tepat, nanti Tu Gus takut mencoba hal-hal baru :-(
We love you Guhh :-*
Today's post will be in Bahasa Indonesia..
Okeh, tadi pagi sambil beberes rumah, tiba2 aja kepikiran 2 pertanyaan yang ngeganggu, ga ilang2, sampe akhirnya ditweet :
I fall from my motorbike on 31st of December.. it just minor injuries but it its quite painful when im walking, so i spent new year in the most boring way ever..., sitting in couch all day , watching TV, and eating grilled meat till midnight and watch fireworks. But im thankful that i have all the family member, my son is super happy to see all his older cousins at home..
I really adore kids..
They can giggle and laugh all day just by running around the house playing hide and seek.
Damn im jealous.
Im really thankful for 2012,
its been wonderful , a few highlite :
- Im able to buy a new house for new investment and buy my dream car
- Gus Andra is turning 2 years old, and he is super healthy, lovely, although sometimes he drives me crazy because he looove to make mess at home :-|
- Starting a new adventure in online business, thankful for @webmasterID that i know from twitter, he is younger than me but he is just so creative and have this simple yet profitable ways strategy on making money online, it really open my mindset that making money online is super easy .. The only problem left is to get rid of that laziness hahaha..
- Im thankful for my business in Oriflame, despites of the ups and downs, im blessed and i will keep on doing business with Oriflame,...
And my new year resolutions in 2013 is quite simple,
i only have 3 single big goals this year
1. To have emergency funds (the amount should be 12 times my expenses per month) in my bank account at least December 2013 or faster, money should come from my online business.
2. Start a non profit project. I already figure out how i want it to be, but not into details yet, so i'll update it when its ready.
3. Fulfill my 2013 shopping wish.
So, happy new year everyone :*