Sejak Youtube Indonesia launch, suka sebel nonton YouTube karena pas ngeklik video suka ada iklan yang mesti ditonton dulu sekian detik, baru bisa diskip -____-"

Tapi tumben2nya tadi ada iklan ini.. Sangat menarik, penasaran bikin pengen nonton...
Endingnya bener2 ga nyangka...

it makes my cry :')

Sometimes we  feel not good enough,
Not pretty enough
Not beautiful enough
Not perfect enough...

Padahal menurut penilaian orang lain..
Kita itu lebih cantik dari prasangka kita sendiri.


You are more beautiful than what you think

Starting today, i'll write more in Bahasa. :D *abis liat statistik blog kok banyak yg baca ternyata*

Okeh, jadi gimana kabar perjalanan hidup sehatku?

Im quite proud of my self,
Meski belum heboh banget berubahnya, i still amazed at my self...

Yes, inilah aku yang 10 tahun tidak pernah berolahraga
Yang tidak bisa melewatkan sehari tanpa snack kemasan, coklat2an, sugary food...
finally 2 bulan ini bisa skip segala snack kemasan , cupcakes, cakes, kecuali kopi hihi
dan.. Omaigot.. aku bisa rajin olahraga :')

Udah mulai bertahap ada perubahan :)

Dan, sesuai plan yang kubuat...
Per bulan depan, (Mei 2013)

I will start changing my eating habit.

Naaaa.. ini nih.. ini nih..
rada2 susyah..

Setelah menggoogle aneka pola makan yang ada......
Sebut aja raw food diet, clean eating, vegetarian, vegan *glek . susyah* ... pilihan jatuh kepada Food Combining dulu.

Food combining itu intinya tujuan utamanya menjaga kondisi tubuh tetap pada PH yang tidak asam ,
dengan mengkombinasikan makanan sesuai siklus dan sistem pencernaan tubuh.

I choose FC because  Tidak harus drastis berubah , like vegan or rawfood yang totally diffrent

Setahap.. demi setahap...
Tujuannya nanti mudah2an bisa dominan rawfood , kemudian vegan, quitting coffee.

OMG yang terakhir rada2 susah yaaa -____- semoga di birthday yg ke 28, i can quit coffee. Amen.

Repost from Gobind Vashdev FB page.
This is exactly what i feel since .... months ago...

Agak jenuh rasanya mendengar hampir semua orang yang saya temui punya keinginan sukses secara materi. 

saya tidak anti sukses, begitu juga tidak menghindari kegagalan. sukses dan gagal adalah balutan sempurna pada kain kehidupan yang kita gunakan.

menjadi sukses secara materi memang banyak kebaikannya, tentu yang paling populer disebut oleh mereka yang belum kaya adalah " kan kalau punya uang banyak bisa membantu banyak orang yang lebih membutuhkan"

Sekarang mari kita melihat sisi lain dari kekayaan.
ketika seseorang mempunyai tumpukan pundi yang melewati dari batas kebutuhan dirinya, keinginan rajin sekali mengetuk benak ini. kita cenderung untuk membelanjakan sesuatu yang tidak kita butuhkan.

Memang perekonomian akan jadi lancar, namun lihatlah lebih dalam, bahwa hampir semua bahan dasar dari benda yang kita beli adalah kerukan dari perut bumi ini.
belum lagi banyaknya bahan bakar dalam memproses benda tersebut, apalagi sampahnya.

Dahulu setiap kali buang air kecil saya mengguyangnya dengan 2 kali gayung berukuran 1 liter air, hari ini dengan 1 kali putaran / tekanan, 6 liter air digelontorkan.

1 porsi makanan sederhana dengan lauk tahu dan tempe menghabiskan 98 galon air, sementara 1 porsi makanan dengan lauk ayam menghabiskan 330 galon air, dan berlipat menjadi 1200 galon bila kita menggantinya dengan daging sapi.

Chip di dalam handphone atau komputer Anda saat Anda melihat status ini menghasilkan limbah sebesar 4500 kali berat chip tersebut.

3 contoh diatas adalah sebagian kecil dari jutaan aktivitas kita dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

bumi adalah ibu kita.
kita dirawat, dilindungi, dan dibesarkannya.
Kondisi Ibu saat ini sudah jauh dari sehat, dehidrasi kronis bukan hanya air tapi darah pun hampir habis, tulang yang keropos, serta nafas yang sesak akibat paru-paru yang lubang disana-sini.
Namun sepertinya kita enggan meninggalkan pesta-pesta kita.

Sekali-sekali luangkan waktu, jenguklah Ibu pertiwi, lihatlah bagaimana kondisinya, tanyakan bagaimana kabarnya, sekalian rasakan apa yang dirasakannya?

Dahulu saya sering mencemooh mereka yang kaya namun pelit, namun sekarang saya lebih bangga disebut 'pelit' daripada seorang yang 'royal'
karena menjadi hemat saat ini mirip seperti menghentikan kecanduan pada rokok.
apalagi ditambah serbuan media yg menawarkan produk terbaru memaksa kelenjar air liur kita berproduksi, program diskon seringkali membuat logika kita tak berdaya sementara fasilitas 0% dari kartu kredit merontokkan segala benteng pertahanan pikiran yang mencegah untuk berbelanja.

memang sulit lepas dari kecanduan, bagaikan seorang anak yang melepas kebiasan meminum susu dari Ibunya, ada tangisan, berontakan, rasa tidak nyaman dan sejenisnya, namun tidak ada jalan lain, kita harus melakukannya, bila kita tidak mau memaksa diri untuk merelakan kenyamanan yg sudah terlalu ini, maka alamlah yang akan memaksa kita.

Menjadi sukses secara materi memang baik selama kita mampu mengolah untuk kebaikan dunia,
namun bila kesuksesan materi digunakan untuk mengisi kekosongan hati kita dengan membeli lebih banyak benda agar kita dihargai, diakui atau dipuja, maka tindakan ini perlu untuk dipikirkan kembali.

salam bahagia :)

Please Share _/|\_

Its been 2 weeks since i regularly hit the gym.. And wow.... Working out wipes bad mood away!

Also, i download many fitness quotes  picture to motivate my self.. Here's one of my fav... :)


And.... i plan to start raw food diet in May... and i found this very helpful channel on YouTube ! THANK GOD FOR YOUTUBE :)))

Wish me luck everybody...  Because....

So whats going on in my 1st April of 2013?

This is so random but according to twitter algorithm, im similar to Axl (the founder of Maicih) Wahahaha this is a compliment :p

Yeah, im going to make my company as big as yours dude!
Yoga and gym! (which i really enjoy)

Gym Schedule

Prepare for Kuningan... (Feeling super duper exhausted because there is soooooooo much work to do....)


Family time in Kuta and Seminyak
Do armpit and leg waxing fpr the first time and i am so happy that it didnt hurt as i thought it will be!

Gus Andra in playground inside Beachwalk

Oh, last but not least..... Finally i got my self a new MacBook . SUPERYAYNESS! :)))
Work full speed starting 2nd week of April!!!!!

I need life style makeover , wanna know why? Just read the screenshots from today's tweets! 
*sorry its a bit blur*

Today is my 2nd day hitting the gym/yoga club. 
I want to change gradually, step by step, and make it permanent.

My vision of myself in the future , like 3-4-5 years from now
- Flat abs, with muscle *ehm*
- Super fit and high energy level

Me in 10 years
- A pro in Pilates / Yoga
- Raw Food Certified Chef
- Vegan.

Pray for me ! 
Below : pic of my yoga club :D So Homey me likey!

Below are work from home tips Q and A with abeautifulmess blog owner, Elsie and Emma, i repost this here, so it will be easier for me to find this tips when i need it again in the future.

Link to the original post here.
I've been working from home for more than seven years now. My career has taken quite a few twists and turns, but one consistency is that I've worked full time or part time from my home. I love it, but it's definitely gotten easier (and much more productive) over the years! This morning I took reader questions (via Instagram) and I've picked out a few to answer here today.
Q: I have a hard time staying focused and motivated working from home. I often move to a coffee shop just because that atmosphere seems to help me focus a bit more. Any tips would be great!
A: I totally understand. This was a huge thing that I struggled with when I first started working from home. Homes are filled with distractions and responsibilities that can derail a perfectly productive work day. With that said, I now find my home to be the most productive place to work and struggle with the opposite problem while traveling. A few tips that have helped me are keeping strict working hours (I'll talk more about this below), working in a small group, keeping a list by my side at all times (SO essential) and spacing conference calls and team meetings throughout the week. So I have larger blocks of "alone time" to blog and complete deadlines. 
Q: Please share how you use an editorial schedule for your site.
A: We have touched on this subject in the past (here and here and here). We plan all of our posts for the week every monday, through the following Monday or further out sometimes. For longer term posts (likethis or this) we may have it on our running list for several months before we set a publish date for it. It really depends on the type of content whether it needs a few days day or a month of prep time, we try to give each idea whatever amount of time it needs to "bake". We make our weekly schedule that's super organized and specific, but we also know that small shuffles will need to happen, so we stay flexible. 
Q: How do you find new inspiration sitting in the same place while working??
A: Honestly, Emma and I travel so much right now that we LOVE weeks that are slow and relaxed. If we are ever feeling a creative block, we take breaks—like going out for lunch or coffee, stopping by a flea market or taking a little bit of alone time to run errands. I think consistency is very important in a working environment, so I appreciate a routine and a schedule that we can stick with most of time time. I am most productive when my weekdays are routine and simple. 
Q: Does working from home generate clutter (which for me can interfere with working!)? Do you have to clean/organize before you can really get to work?
A: Oh my goodness! This is a HUGE issue. We do our best. Eventually we plan to move to another office space, but until then we do we have to work extra hard to make our situation work for everyone. On any given weekday we have between 2 to 5 people stopping in and out of my home. They bring computers, food and project supplies—so, yes, it gets very messy! We try very hard to be considerate of others and clean up our spaces. With that said, I've never had a "perfect" home studio. And if someone else does I would love to hear how! We deal with the mess because it's worth it. :) 
Q: In about what time frame do you normally get an average post written?
A: As I said above, it really does depend on the type of post we are writing. Some posts seem to take an eternity between sourcing supplies, perfecting a DIY method, executing a finished project and then photography and copy writing. Others, like this one, are really just something we did for fun and then blogged about on a whim. I would say that from start to finish an average post takes a few hours. We always want to stay open to spending more time on projects we love. But it's definitely important to have a system that's functional and time efficient, since we are committed to publishing content a few times each day. Balance is good! :)
Q: How do you avoid distractions? 
A: We don't work on personal projects or personal e-mails during work hours. We follow a list of tasks and goals each week. When somethings not working, we talk about it and try something new. I will say that working in a group does help a lot. We've found that everyone is far less likely to waste hours browsing online when there are other people around. It just helps everyone stay aware of what they are there for and on task! 
Q: How do you separate work life from home? What are the boundaries you set/use? 
A: Right now our small team works from my home. Some people only come over a few days per week, but there is someone here every weekday. When we made this choice my husband and I had a long conversation about how to keep our house feeling like a home, despite all the "work stuff" going on here. Here's what works for us: Nobody comes into the home until 10 am every morning. This gives Jeremy and I a little more privacy during our morning routine. On an average day, everyone leaves at 5 pm. Even though we aren't able to fit all our work for the day in that 7-hour slot, we're really intentional about getting our work that needs to be done as a group during that time. But I talk about that more below. We also have a work zone and private zone in our house, meaning our team doesn't go upstairs, where most of our living space is, without a reason. This distinction is important because we don't have to stress about people entering our private space all the time (e.g., it's not embarrassing if we don't make the bed or have some clothes on the floor!) Emma and I also have a system for separating our personal time and money from the business's time and money. These things all help us stay professional, balanced and reduce stress in a big way. I don't think any business can be at its best without proper boundaries, especially when working from home. 
Q: Do you set office hours for yourself? Also, how do you deal with retirement funds, insurance, etc when you're an entrepreneur? 
A: Yes. I work set hours every week and then Emma and I also work "optional hours". Monday through Friday we always work between 10-5 with our team. For the "optional hours", as necessary, we'll work in the early mornings, the evenings and the weekends to make sure we're staying on top of everything. For example, we are shooting a book right now, and we do almost all of our shoots on Saturday mornings. We plan them in advance, and we are careful to give ourselves days off (usually Sundays) and free evenings (hello, date night!) on a regular basis. Because of all the projects we are working on right now, we can't complete our work in 40 hours like a normal job. BUT we make sure to schedule days off, so we don't go insane. It's amazing what a difference a day and a few nights off every week do to reduce our stress levels... it's so important! 
As small business owners, we are responsible for our own insurance and retirement funds. I have an accountant who helps me stay organized for tax time. We use the same accountant for both business and personal tax needs, which helps to simplify the process. 
Q: How do you divide your time to conquer multiple projects at once without burning out?
A:  This is a great question! For us, multiple projects actually helps make our job more fun and less monotonous. I love switching between projects! Our biggest commitments are our blog, which one or both of us work on daily, and our books, which are seasonal- 6 months on, 6 months off type work. We also do collaborations (SO fun!). But we are very careful with which ones we take on, because they only work well when they are a great fit. :) I would never want to go back to doing strictly one thing. But with that said, it's important not to over-commit, because I think that is one of the biggest sources of burn out! 

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