This week i met many great internet marketers,

Dini Rahma Shanti - She is a top leader in Oriflame, and the first ever who do Oriflame business online , and her background before Oriflame is an afilliate marketer, i know her since i join Asian Brain, an internet marketing online learning site.

@webmasterID, He is a twitter celebrity, he teach how to sell and hypnotize people on social media, mainly twitter, very young, 3 years younger then me.

Indra , owner of Urgene clothing, he sells t-shirt, by selling online he reach > IDR 300 million sales per month. *yumm*

My friend Yulia, who co-own,  selling mainly through Instagram , can sell 1000 pcs of high quality softlens per day

Irna, who own @Belajarperancis, and now expand her business to culinary, and also online learning.

And, i also a new fan of Denny Santoso,
At first i thought he is just another motivator or twitter celebrity (its easy being celebrity in twitter, just promote your self) until....... i see his instagram.


His. House. Mind. Blowing.


I wanna have a house like that.
A house that's spacious, comfortable, luxurious...

I love luxury living.

And i know being internet marketer is my way to reach that dream
When i achieve that dream,
I can proudly say :
My feet is still on the ground, Im just wearing a better shoes and live at a better house

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